Full Spectrum CBD: What is it?
Posted by ZuRI on Aug 19th 2020
With the explosion of the CBD industry over the last few years, the options you have when buying CBD are infinite. Choices you’ll have to make are what brand, strength, flavor, mode of delivery, and, the most confusing, Full Spectrum or CBD isolate.
Full spectrum CBD is a term used to describe CBD that is derived from the entire hemp plant. Since this extract is more than pure CBD, it may contain additional cannabinoids, including THC, along with other elements of the hemp plant such as terpenes, essential vitamins, fatty acids, and protein. You may also see the term whole-plant CBD extract used with a full spectrum CBD product.
In contrast to full spectrum CBD is CBD isolate. This form of CBD contains only CBD because the CBD molecule is isolated and extracted from everything else in the plant. CBD isolate has no identifiable amount of THC and does not contain any additional compounds that may deliver other benefits like vitamins and proteins.
The Perks of Full Spectrum
CBD as a whole still needs a great deal of research. One thing we do know is that there is over 100 different compounds known as cannabinoids in the hemp plant, with the most popular one being CBD. Other common cannabinoids include CBC, CBDV, CBG, and CBN. All of these cannabinoids are show different beneficial properties. Since full spectrum CBD contains more than just CBD, you will be getting all of these additional cannabinoids in your full spectrum product. One of the major benefits of full spectrum CBD oil is the positive effect when all of these compounds work in unison as they would naturally, often referred to as the entourage effect.
Aside from cannabinoids, full spectrum CBD also contains essential fatty acids, protein, and vitamins. Omega-3 and Omega-6 are both abundant fatty acids in full spectrum CBD oil. These are important elements that support your body’s ability to make adequate protein. Vitamins A, C, E and B are all present in full spectrum CBD as well.
Does Full Spectrum CBD Contain THC?
Yes, because of the nature of the extraction process, full spectrum CBD products may contain small amounts of THC. Know that here at ZuRI, we assure that all of our full spectrum products contain less than the legal amount of THC (<.3%) via third party lab test. For your ease of mind these lab test results are always available for your viewing on our Certificate of Analysis page.
Note: CBD products do not make you high. Since full spectrum CBD oil contains such a small amount of THC, there is minimal risk any intoxicating effects.
Explore our full line of full spectrum CBD products here.